Thursday, July 30, 2009


Currently working on a horror piece, so I'm gonna discuss with you death's importance in your writing, and ironically your life.

Death has been a common theme in stories since the beginning of time. It's something everyone either has or will experience. Whether it be their own demise or a loved one. And the sheer mystory of death has always intrigued us humans, scared us at times. It is the great unknown after all.
Death is the most powerful of all actions. It's definite, final. If I may refer to the movie "Hero" staring Jet Lei. He did all those kickass shit, but really, the most honorable moment of his life, was in fact his own death. And the people agreed. To give one's life I guess bestows honor upon the living? Stop me if I'm wrong.

Death really gets me excited in a way. As a writer.
There are just SO MANY ways to die.
There's the boring, sappy way with Cancer, or a bad cold, or even the loss of a love (lame). But then you get to the nitty gritty.
Baseball bat
Heart attack during sexual intercourse
Or just plain shooting.

That's the focus of my next work. How many ways can you kill. And what's the most effective.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You say loss of a love is lame, but my character's love was clearly assaulted first, then shot in the head after her beloved was shot. He survives and drinks himself into a stupor for several years until his brother needs his help. Being the only hope his younger brother has finally snaps him out of it...or does it. ;) There will be more death, but this first death was what began the story.
