Thursday, August 20, 2009

You know who you are.

You won't be gone anytime soon.
But when you get to heaven, you'll get what you deserve.
Your ass isn't getting in.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Recent idea

In regards to my screenplay, instead of covering every little aspect of the story in those three movies... why not make some other films that cover it... hmmmmmm

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Power Pole EXTEND

Okay... I have another work completed. But I feel as if it could be expanded. You be the judge.

And also, I'm currently working on a little expansion to this now infamous story that got me locked up. No name changes, no nothing. If you haven't read it yet. You should.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Language and Racism

My view on it is simply this. Write however you feel as right.

As someone who says "nigger" a lot. And has friends, white and black alike that say "nigger" a lot. Odds are, "nigger will turn up a lot in what I write. You don't know how often I'm bombarded with outrageous claims of being a Klan member and blah blah blah. Language and Racism

I just call them dumb niggers and move along. Because to put it simple. We're all racist. In fact, the whole idea of racism is just sily. It's based on streotypes... MOST OF WHICH ARE TRUE (We the blacks love our fried chicken and watermelon. It's just good, I'm sorry. Same with greens and kool aid.) And it's all extremely funny... once people learn to fucking laugh at their own damn selves.

My I repeat. Just do what feels right. If your character is a Christian, odds are they aren't picking up transvestite hookers on Halsted st. Or if your character is anything like me. Fire the shit missiles and WTF bombs.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone can be a good thing.
You're a horror writer. You attempt to scare the shit out of people. It's what you do and you're good at it.

But who knows, maybe you're a touchy-feely guy at heart? Force yourself out of that zone of comfort and push yourself into writing something you know jack shit about. Maybe you'll enjoy yourself.